Our Location

Mount Calvary is located in the heart of Baltimore City, at the intersection of Madison Avenue and Eutaw Street. Ample parking is available in our own lot, located adjacent to the church. Or, if you prefer, eleven blocks north of Camden Yards stadium. (Hey, we like baseball, too!)


Contact Information

Mount Calvary Church
816 N. Eutaw Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-4624

Phone: (410) 728-6140
Fax: (410) 728-6720

Weekly emails

To subscribe to our weekly emails please visit this link.


From the north

Take I-83 (the Jones Falls Expressway) south to Exit 3, Guilford Avenue. At the first light, which is Madison Avenue, turn right. Proceed up the hill, past the Washington Monument on your left, for a total of seven blocks until you come to the stop light at Eutaw Street. Proceed through the light (once it turns green, of course) and go 1/2 block to the small, unnamed street on your right. Turn right, drive about 100 feet or so and you will be facing the entrance to our parking lot.

From the south

Take I-395 toward downtown Baltimore, and exit at Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. After you cross Pratt Street, proceed north nine more blocks until you come to Madison Street. Turn right on Madison Avenue, then turn left into the church parking lot. Smile and wave to the people coming out of the small, unnamed street on your right, because you have the right-of way!


We have a monitored and free parking lot adjacent to the church.


Address for GPS/maps:

825 Madison Avenue, Baltimore, MD

Contact Us

We invite you to contact us for more information. Our contact information is above, or you may fill out the form below.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Contact Information

Your Message

This Week's Calendar

  • Wednesday - February 12
    12:10 pm - Spoken Mass
    6:00 pm - Evening Prayer (Zoom Only)
  • Thursday - February 13
    8:00 am - Morning Prayer
    8:30 am - Spoken Mass
  • Friday - February 14
    Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop
    No Public Mass
  • Saturday - February 15
    No Public Mass
  • Sunday - February 16
    8:45 am - Legion of Mary
    9:00 am - Morning Prayer
    9:30 am - Confession
    10:00 am - Sung Mass
    11:30 am - Brunch
    12:15 pm - Junior Legion of Mary
  • Monday - February 17
    Pre-Lenten Feria
    No Public Mass
  • Tuesday - February 18
    Pre-Lenten Feria
    4:00 pm - Evening Office
    4:30 pm - Spoken Mass
  • Wednesday - February 19
    Pre-Lenten Feria
    12:10 pm - Spoken Mass
    6:00 pm - Evening Prayer (Zoom Only)

Location & Contact

Mount Calvary Catholic Church
816 N. Eutaw Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-4624

Phone: (410) 728-6140

Contact Us

About Mount Calvary

Mount Calvary is a Roman Catholic parish of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. The fruit of Pope Benedict XVI's apostolic constitution Anglicanorum coetibus, the Ordinariate is a nation-wide diocese for Catholics from an Anglican/Episcopalian background who seek to preserve their Anglican heritage...

Learn more

Contact Us

Mount Calvary Church
816 N. Eutaw Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-4624

Phone: (410) 728-6140

Contact us via our web form